Year 7 have fun at Plessey Woods Team Building activity days 2022

October 2nd, 2022

Between Monday 12 to Friday 16 September all the year 7s (280 of them!) went to Plessey Woods to take part in team building activities. Two tutor groups attended the activities each day which was organised by Pinpoint Adventure.

The activities the students were asked to be involved with included disarming rockets, using rope, a bucket, guttering and then working out how to get the detonator out. They had to figure out that they needed water to achieve this.

Other activities included a toxic swamp which the students needed to get from one side to the other without going into the swamp. They had to use a pair of skis, 2 milk bottle crates and 2 planks of wood. Other activities included an orienteering activity where the students had to work as a team to find a number of letters using clues.

The students also had to get members of their team through a spider’s web, a knotted activity and negotiate their way around a course blind folded.

Teacher Mr Allman said “All the students enjoyed the team building activities with some new friendships being created and working and talking to others which some students don’t do on a day to day basis”.