WINNER – Ponteland High School Chance to Shine Award

November 28th, 2022

We are delighted to report that Ponteland High School won the national award at the awards ceremony on Thursday.  We are now officially Chance to Shine School of the Year!

Chance to Shine is a national cricket charity that aims to give all children the opportunity to play, learn and develop through cricket. The organisation works with 39 County Cricket boards throughout England, providing specialist coaches to work in schools. Each region nominated a Secondary school for the national award. A judging panel makes a final decision, based on each school’s promotional video and associated nomination on which school has made the most valued contribution each year.

The main focus of the school’s promotional film was the significant participation of girls playing cricket across Years 7-11. Many of our girls were successful participants in the Leadership programme, providing an opportunity to coach, score and run festivals. The number of girls who played both indoor and outdoor cricket competitions exceeded 100. This has enabled the school to develop cricket further in GCSE courses; cricket will now feature as an assessed activity within GCSE PE. 

Miss Byers said “We must give a special mention to Georgia B who was nominated for student of the year. Her outstanding leadership contributions and skills were recognised in her nomination and we are very proud of her. I am so proud of all the girls and delighted with this success!”

Miss Byers and a team of girls represented the school at the awards ceremony at Lords cricket ground.