‘Try something new’ Charity Day

July 18th, 2023


On Friday 14th June the first ‘Try Something New’ Charity Day raised £1,811 from the school community for The Brain Tumour Charity.  School staff supported the event by giving up their free time to organise alternative activities for students to participate in, in place of their lessons. 

The day started with a special breakfast menu. There were a huge variety of activities ranging from the natural environment such as birdwatching, camp craft and gardening, to trying new sports like golf, dodgeball, yoga and rounders- all of which proved extremely popular. 

Games such as Mario Kart, chess and Japanese puzzles were also enjoyed by many. Creative classes in printing, origami, rocket building and face painting were run as well as many others teaching valuable life skills like CPR and bike repair. Additionally, some staff really challenged the students with Taskmaster and Escape Rooms-style problem solving.

Mr Grier, PE teacher, who organised the event said “Our students in Year 7, 8 & 9 had an enormously varied day and all the school staff who led the activities thoroughly enjoyed sharing their enthusiasm”.

Thank you very much for your support and generosity.