There’s a buzz around Pele Trust Primary Schools as ‘Bee Week’ is launched!

July 3rd, 2022

This week, Year 6 children across the Pele Trust Primary Schools have been engaging in various bee-related activities as part of ‘Bee Week’. 

The special week marks the start of the bee transition project, coordinated by Ponteland High School’s Mrs Sarah Routledge, Assistant Headteacher. During the week, students develop their knowledge and understanding of bees and beekeeping within a wider environmental and ecological agenda. The students continue with the project when they start at the High School in September, engaging in bee-related activities across a number of subject in the curriculum. 

Mrs Routledge said, ‘the transition project is a great way for students to hit the ground running making good progress at the start of year 7. Students are familiar with the bee project, so it can really boost their confidence in what is a very daunting time for them. Due to students across the Pele Trust schools taking part, it’s a great way for them to build new relationships prior to starting high school in September.’  

At the start of the week, the Primary Schools welcomed various bee experts. Ponteland High’s Biology teacher, Dr. Green, supported by Year 12 students Rebecca and Noah, visited Ponteland Primary and Belsay school to teach students about bee hives and honey production. 

On Wednesday, Biology teacher Dr. Yates hosted a zoom meeting with expert bee-keepers on the Isles of Scilly. Year 6 students from all the Pele Trust Primaries joined the call to learn about the challenges of bee-keeping and came up with some perceptive and thoughtful questions.

Finally, on Thursday afternoon, a number of students visited the high school to work with the ‘Pont Print’ team on a special edition of the school magazine, which will be published in September. Students were assisted by Mrs Emmerson and a designer from Sunderland University.

The transition project will once again end with the much anticipated ‘Bee Showcase’. The inaugural event in 2021 saw students present their bee-related Maths, Science, Geography, Technology and Art projects to over 150 visitors! The 2022 event will take place on Tuesday 27 September.