Rowing – by Rosie

December 11th, 2024

Rowing is a team sport I do 4 days a week. I row on a Tuesday and Thursday after school and a Saturday and Sunday. Rowing consists of quite a lot of things such as going on rowing machines and going out on the river tyne. There are quite a lot of rowing clubs around the country. I row at Tyne Ammature Rowing Club (Tyne ARC for short) and once a year most clubs from the country will go down to Nottingham and compete in the British Rowing National Championships. However, this is not the only race we do. Our hard work and Dedication as a team goes towards winning many races such as Durham Regatta to Regionals and Durham head. A head is a longer race that tends to be executed in winter and for a regatta it is a shorter race in the summer. A head tends to be about 1k or more and a regatta is 700-800m or sometimes less.


Rowing is not a single person sport. Rowing is a team sport where we all have to work together to be successful. We all play a part in making sure we are getting as much time as we can out on the river. No rower is perfect. Everyone will lose a race or fall in at some point in their life although I have not fallen in yet. I have won 2 times. My first time was at Durham regatta which is the picture below and my second time was at Tyne regatta. When you win you sometimes get medals but most of the time you get a tankard. Many of the big races sell things like hoodies and t-shirts which you can wear or keep to remember.  Good thing about rowing is that everyone is kind and the coaches are proud of you even if you place last. We do fundraisers ourselves to raise money for the juniors to get new equipment but it’s also really fun to have a bake sale.Rowing is definitely a good sport and anyone can do it.