Raising money for the Childhood Tumour Trust – Bethany Tully

May 26th, 2021

Bethany Tully (Year 10) is an ambassador for the Childhood Tumour Trust and hopes to increase awareness of a condition called Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1).

NF1 is a genetic condition that causes tumours to grow on the nerves anywhere in the body, causing extreme pain. There is no cure for NF1 and it is often the case of having to live with an extremely challenging condition.

25,000 people in the UK live with NF1. Many of these are children and young people. Their young lives revolve around hospital appointments, consultants, scans and operations. Therefore, so many of these children and young people rely on the support of charities such as the Childhood Tumour Trust.


The Childhood Tumour Trust aims to link families together not just in the UK but all over the world. They want to organise special days out by providing tickets to various attractions around the country so families can spend a day together away from hospital appointments and day to day living with the condition.


This term Bethany organised a jam jar collection for the charity within Year 10 tutor groups and managed to raise £156! Well done everyone!