Ponteland High School launches new ‘Coffee Shop’

May 2nd, 2022

The school’s cafeteria has recently opened a coffee shop, so that from 8.00am until 11.00am, students, mainly those in Sixth Form, have the opportunity to buy hot and cold drinks. The offer includes: Iced coffee, iced tea, coffee, Ringtons tea, and a range of breakfast sandwiches.

Sixth form student, Matilda Hunt, said “This has been a big hit with Sixth Form; it is a very popular go-to for students”

The Ponteland High school cafeteria is also making a positive environmental impact by reducing the price of drinks if students bring in their own cups in order to decrease the amount of single-use plastic.

Recently, the school’s catering team introduced a new scheme to decrease the consumption of meat: ‘Meat free Monday’. There are new vegetarian meals to encourage students and teachers to think about the amount of meat they are eating. Although some students will be upset that sausage rolls and burgers are not on the menu, there are other alternatives, meaning our carbon footprints will be lower and therefore helping to save the planet! 

The full menu can be viewed here