Madrid trip preparations are underway!

October 16th, 2024

Excitement is building among year 8 and 9 students as 60 of them are packing their bags and preparing for a thrilling 5 days they will spend in sunny Madrid. The trip begins on the 24th of October with an early morning bus ride to Liverpool before they take a two and a half hour flight to Madrid arriving at around 9:30 in the morning.

The trip is heavily football focused and led by Mr Dunn who will be guiding them through an exciting and busy schedule which begins with a heavily anticipated Real Madrid pro coaching session before returning to the hotel for some well deserved rest after a tiring day of travel. The next morning starts with another fun training session, after which they will travel to the city centre to get lunch before having the amazing opportunity in the afternoon to play in a football fixture against local opposition. The third day promises even more fun as they spend the whole day at the famous Warner Bros theme park which offers a variety of exhilarating rides and delicious food that is sure to provide endless entertainment for the students.

They will need to be well rested however, as the busiest day is the 27th with students being treated to an Atletico Madrid stadium tour, ten pin bowling, lunch in the city centre and another much anticipated football match against local opposition all of which will give them fantastic experiences and memories with their friends. On the final day, students get the opportunity to visit the famous Bernabeu stadium for a tour before getting a flight back in the afternoon.

We hope they all have a great trip full of amazing experiences and wish them the best of luck in their football fixtures.