Countdown for the Christmas Hampers continues

December 2nd, 2024

The countdown for the Christmas hampers is now underway! Many form classes have been building their hampers over the last week or so, the challenge is who can get the most.  These hampers are an amazing way for the students to demonstrate  their support for families in need. A bag of pasta, a tin of beans, a pack of biscuits, all make the difference. The need for food has increased significantly for families and has been rising over the last few years due to the cost of living crisis. 

Students are encouraged to bring whatever they can to help out, as every little helps. Last year the hampers were incredible and provided months of food for 3 different food banks in the north east. The incentive to help those in need is greater than ever and considerably appreciated. 

The hampers will all be collected on 6 December.

Goodluck to all form classes!