‘Build a fire, light the match’ with Holly C

June 27th, 2022

Y7 student, Holly has had a ball at her feet since she was 3 years old, playing with her dad … she then went on to play in grassroots football teams from age 5.

Holly is currently in her 4th year at Sunderland RTC academy. 

Holly’s mum said, “Football is her life. When she’s not at the football training ground, or playing for the school team, she can be found playing football with her younger sister, Hannah, who is also at the RTC as a goalkeeper.”

Holly has recently had the chance to trial for the England pathway, and her County. She was offered the chance to appear in an advertising campaign with footy.com (a price comparison website) and Nike. This is being launched ahead of the women’s Euros 2022 competition to promote their new kit and women’s football. 

Following the campaign, BBC Radio Newcastle asked her into the studio for an interview. This can be found on the BBC sounds app.