Careers day – BBC Share your Story

December 15th, 2022

It was great to welcome a team from the BBC back into school for a follow-up to their recent ‘Share Your Story’ tour. In this second session, focused on careers, students heard from 3 diverse individuals with careersĀ in creative media. As well as hearing about their particular career journeys, students benefitted from finding out more about the significance of transferable skills such as persistence, aiming high and pursuing their passion.

Mr Greenshields, Assistant Headteacher with responsibility for careers commented, ‘we’re grateful for the work we’ve undertaken with the support of the BBC over the course of the term, our students participated in the sessions diligently and respectfully and came up with some excellent, insightful questions. One interesting aspect of the session was to note that each of the panellists career paths had taken different turns from what they initially anticipated they would be. I hope that from the session students have taken away further inspiration that whatever their future planned career path, with dedication and hard work they can find a career that they find enjoyable, rewarding and fulfilling’