7 Pont High students achieve Duke of Edinburgh – Gold

March 5th, 2022

For a number of years now Ponteland High School has offered the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme to all students. This starts with Bronze in year 9, Silver in Year 10 with the Gold Award being a focus for year 12 and 13 students.

It’s always great when our students excel in their Duke of Edinburgh Award and we have 7 of our students who have left the school over the last couple of years but who have a full set having completed their Bronze,Silver and Gold Awards. 

The following students have completed their Gold DofE award and have been invited to receive their certificates at Buckingham Palace on Friday 20 May 2022. Our congratulations go to Lucy R, Amy A, Emily C, Amy D, Archie MW, Ruth O and Hannah T.

Mr Allman, Duke of Edinburgh coordinator, said, “It’s a real pleasure to celebrate the achievements of all our DofE participants especially as some of these students have completed their awards during a global pandemic and had to contend with multiple lockdowns.”