Rotary Ponteland – Volunteering opportunities

July 8th, 2024

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Our main fund raising event of the year Duck Race takes place in Ponteland Park on Sunday September 1st. We are needing help from students and parents to enable us to continue to stage this event. Our numbers have reduced over recent years and several of our members can no longer provide practical assistance both selling duck race tickets prior to the event and on Duck race day.  Help is needed in two ways;


Duck race ticket sales

We are holding public sales at Waitrose Ponteland on Friday August 16th and Saturday August 17th.   We need volunteers to assist us from 10am until 6pm taking either one or two hour slots. There will always be at least one adult to supervise and as the sales will take place in an open area so there need not be any safeguarding concerns.  If you are able to offer tickets for sale (at £1) at school before the end of term this would be a big bonus for us. Tickets will also be available from mid-August on line via our “Rotary Ponteland” Facebook page.  All proceeds from Duck race this year are going to The Dragonfly Cancer Trust


Duck Race day

We need help from 9.30am – 4.30pm to initially set up the park, sell Duck Race & raffle tickets during the day and take down after the event, there is a risk assessment and a child safeguarding plan drafted.



One of the most frequent community events are Litterpicks, this may not be the most attractive to students but it is hoped that by encouraging young people to volunteer with us they will appreciate the importance of keeping our local community litter free not just from an aesthetic point of view but to avoid unnecessary danger to wildlife.  I have indicated a range of litterpick activities over the Autumn term, some are coordinated by Rotary whilst others are coordinated by Ponteland Anti-Litter Squad (PALS) who perform monthly litterpicks around Ponteland & Darras Hall.


A full event diary is given below;




Where ?

July 8th *


Merton Way shops

July 21st #



August 16th/17th  (TBC)

Duck race ticket sales

Waitrose Ponteland

August 18th #



September 1st

Duck race day

Ponteland Park

September 15th



October 6th


Ponteland & Prestwick

October 20th #



October 26th (TBC)

Bulb planting

Rotary Way

November 17th #



November 29th/30th

Santa sleigh runs

Ponteland & Darras Hall

December 1st

Christmas Market

Ponteland Memorial Hall

December 15th #




* If any Year 12/13 students would like to assist Year 6 Richard Coates Primary would they please contact Jane Hodson Hamilton by e mail.

# organised by Ponteland Anti-litter Squad (PALS). Any year 12/13 students who would like to take part please contact Jane Hodson Hamilton as above for details.


If you would like any further information on these events then please do not hesitate to contact me.  Parents and students they can contact Rotary Ponteland directly on

or by tel : 0750 3011703