Voice North East Oracy Exhibition

July 11th, 2024

On Tuesday 9th July, Charlie W and Lucy M from Year 12 attended the Voice North East Oracy Exhibition at The Biscuit Factory in Newcastle.  

Charlie and Lucy had starring roles as ‘student MCs’ or comperes for the day.  They had to give a speech about the importance of their own oracy skills as well as introduce the speakers and workshops for the day.  In their own speeches, Lucy talked about how her oracy skills had developed through football coaching and her part-time job as well as a specific anecdote explaining how she solved problems in Chemistry through talk and discussion with her teacher.  Charlie spoke about his aspirations to work in finance, his love of acting and specifically how he used talk in further maths to solve very complex problems.  

Alongside teachers from a number of North East schools, Charlie and Lucy met academics from Durham and Cardiff Universities, Voice 21 oracy practitioners, local councillors and politicians.  Everyone commented on how mature, articulate and engaging they were in the role and the certainly made Ponteland High School very proud!