My amazing journey with True Colours Theatre Group by Lyza T

July 14th, 2023

For my Duke of Edinburgh volunteering, I wanted to do something that would make a difference. My
mum came home from work and told me about a theatre school that offered classes to children with
additional needs. The employees in the company donate money to charities each month and then
the employees select which charities that would like the money to go to. One of the employees had
nominated True Colours. As soon as I heard about it I knew that I wanted to volunteer there.


In October I contacted True Colours Theatre group to ask if I could volunteer for my Duke of
Edinburgh Silver Award. Alisar who runs True Colours kindly accepted my offer to volunteer and
invited me to a class at 2pm on a Saturday. I ended up staying for 2 classes! I was extremely
apprehensive going in as I didn’t know anyone at True Colours, and I came away wondering if I had
done the right thing. Alisar asked me at the end of the first session if I would like to go on a Thursday
evening too. Thursday came and I attended a class. It was for older teenagers and young adults and
as soon as I walked in people started to speak to me. I felt much happier!


True Colours is an inclusive theatre group that works with children and young adults. It provides a
safe place for people who may not fit in at school and several children there are home schooled due
to bullying and issues at schools. It provides access to classes to people regardless of ability,
disability, hidden disability, gender or even to those who are just having a tough time. Some of the
members are carers. All the members feel like True Colours is home. It is somewhere where they
are accepted for who they are and the amount of support and love within the group is huge.
From day one I have been included in all the activites and the volunteering certainly doesn’t feel like
a chore.

In February I was asked to join a small group to learn a dance and then compete at UDO British
Dance Championships in Blackpool. I was overjoyed to be asked and in a couple of hours we had
learnt the routine. In March we set off for Blackpool and that is where I made some true friends.
We completed our routine and after making the judges cry came away with second place and an
invite to the UDO World Championships to be held in August.