Ponteland High School A-level and vocational results (August 2021)

August 10th, 2021

10 August 2021


Press release:         Ponteland High School A-level and vocational results (August 2021)


Ponteland High School is very pleased to report some outstanding achievements by its students in their A levels and other qualifications this summer.


An amazing 28 of our students (24% of the Year 13 cohort) achieved a clean sweep of all grades awarded at A and/or A*, which is a phenomenal achievement given what they have had to contend with. Notable performances include:


Euan Legg:                  4 x A* – Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, Physics

Andrew Miller:             4 x A* – Economics, Maths, Further Maths, Physics


Sophie Benfield:         3 x A* – Biology, Maths, Psychology

Sam Burrin:                 3 x A* – Maths, Further Maths, Physics

Lucy Cardno:              3 x A* – Biology, Chemistry, French

Sam Edmondson:       3 x A* – Business Studies, Economics, Maths

Hannah Tumia:           3 x A* – Biology, Chemistry, Maths


Suzannah Fielding:       2 x A* – Biology, Geography; 2 x A – Chemistry, French

Hanan Amer:              2 x A* – Biology, English Literature; 1 x A – Chemistry

Louise Armstrong:      2 x A* – Chemistry, Geography; 1 x A – Maths

Ethan Hannant:           2 x A* – Physics, Spanish; 1 x A – Maths

Sabrina Jackland:       2 x A* – Business Studies, English Literature; 1 x A – History

Isobel Jennings:          2 x A* – Business Studies, English Literature; 1 x A – History

Raffety Walker:           2 x A* – English Literature, Religious Studies; 1 x A – Psychology


Amelia Aitchison:        1 x A* – Art; 2 x A – English Literature, Religious Studies

Emma Fatkin:             1 x A* – Biology; 2 x A – Maths, Psychology

Aliyah Qureshi:           1 x A* – Biology; 2 x A – Chemistry, Maths

William Shanks:          1 x A* – Maths; 2 x A – Further Maths, Spanish

Thomas Storer:           1 x A* – Geography; 2 x A – Maths, Physics

Grace Taylor:              1 x A* – Media Studies; 2 x A – English Literature, History


Harley Rowe-Maguire: 4 x A – Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths, Physics


Sam Congleton:          3 x A – Business Studies, French, History

Bailey Dawson:           3 x A – Biology, Economics, Psychology

Max Forrest:                3 x A – Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Abigail Langstaff:        3 x A – English Literature, French, Spanish

Benjamin Ling:            3 x A – Chemistry, Maths, Physics

Elizabeth Quigley:       3 x A – Biology, Chemistry, Maths

Moeez Raj:                  3 x A – Chemistry, Maths, Physics


This year, following the cancellation of exams, all grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.


Ponteland High School Headteacher, Kieran McGrane said:


“This has been a very trying two-year period for our students as they have endured a great deal of disruption to their studies. Despite this, they have remained positive and worked closely with their teachers to ensure they made excellent progress and are well prepared for their next steps, whether that be higher education, apprenticeships or employment.


“We are incredibly proud of our students and all they have achieved; they have shown determination and resilience in abundance. Our teachers have also worked tirelessly to minimise the impact on students and ensure they have strong foundations should they be progressing onto higher education and study.


“I would like to thank the young people in Year 13 for all they have contributed to our school over the last 5 years and hope that they will look back on their time with us fondly. I know they will do well whatever direction they take and we look forward to hearing about their future successes in time.”