Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!

February 17th, 2024

Once again Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was open for business on Tuesday 13 February. Students piled through the door and waited patiently as their fate was decided by the House sorting hat. There were groans and cheers echoing around the room. Once the selection processes were over each house was assigned a class to attend.  There were four classes over the evening: Potions with our resident
Professor Snape, History of Magic (students enjoyed learning what toad and magic wand were in French), Charms and Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Competition was fierce throughout the evening with each house being marked on teamwork, creativity, enthusiasm, knowledge etc.  The winning house was crowned on the end of the night and this year Hufflepuff were our 2024 champions for the third year running. Well done to all our wizards!

Jacob B was the lucky recipient of Dumbledora’s special prize. The students awarded prefects on the evening were: Rowan S. for Gryffindor, Rashmi M. for Hufflepuff, Dylan D. for Ravenclaw and for Slytherin, Thomas M. Finally, Cora F was the lucky winner of the Special Prize. This is awarded as all students place their invitation into a box on arrival and one is selected at random. Well done to all the winners.

Everyone involved had a great evening. Mrs Fraser and Mrs Davison said ‘The students really impressed us with their wizarding knowledge, understanding and skills in French. Very useful should they ever wish to work as a full-time witch or
wizard abroad!’