On Tuesday this week all year 12s were given the awesome opportunity to learn CPR first hand! Only an hour and now all year 12s are now more than capable of carrying out a safe, life saving CPR.
It started with carrying out CPR on adults, in almost all cases they are told to use both hands, by clasping them together and pumping into the upper centre of the chest, this was carried out on dummies for excellent practice. The year 12s were encouraged to carry out the heart pumps to the beat of the song ‘Stayin Alive’ by Bee Gees. This was both an interesting and fun experience.
It went further onto carrying out CPR on children, but of course using dummies, they are taught to use one hand and do compressions on the same part of the centre upper chest, in order to pump blood around the body and save lives.
Many questions about CPR were answered supporting a safer school environment at Ponteland High school.