Harry Potter Night preparations

February 10th, 2025

On Wednesday, 19 February 4:00 – 7:00 pm Ponteland High school will be hosting a Harry Potter night that year 7 and 8 students can attend.

The night will start with a sorting hat ceremony and each house will get to visit the four shops
over the night;

● Gringotts Bank – Students have to break the code in order to get a key and an opportunity to open the safe to win the prize.
● Ollivanders Wands – Find out which wand has chosen you and learn to perform some wand movements for specific spells.
● Madam Malkin’s Robes – Robe making using bin bags and other various art materials.
● Borgin and Burkes – You will write your own spell using creepy crawlies and other random items in a box. Students put their hand in a box of shredded paper and hunt for items which they use to write their spell.

There will be an awards ceremony at the end of the night (with wizard snacks) for:

● The best prefect in each house
● The winning House overall
● The wizard of the night
● And others

Also snitches will be hidden throughout the evening for students to locate on their journey from shop to shop.