We are committed to operating as an inclusive school and will do all we can to meet the additional needs of learners to ensure they can access the curriculum and make the most of their unique talents and abilities.

At Ponteland High School we value all learners and believe in creating an inclusive school where students can be:

Parents and Carers

We feel it is important to work in partnership with parents and carers in order to establish the best care and support and advise any parents to get in touch with our SENCO Lyn Robinson if they have any concerns.

At Ponteland we routinely screen new learners on entry to the school to correctly identify and assess SEND, more information can be found in our SEND information report. We will share any information that we receive from any assessments or screening with parents and carers to enable us to plan support together.

We firmly believe that it is our role to help prepare learners for the next stages of independent life beyond school and we will have this aim at the forefront of all discussions when planning support.


Contact Lyn Robinson at

SEND Policy

Our SEND and Inclusion policy describes our whole staff approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities at Ponteland High School.

We are committed to ensuring that all of our students receive the highest quality care throughout their experience with us. Our Special Educational Needs and Inclusion policy outlines our aims and objectives in achieving the high standards we set to ensure all of our students are well cared for and have the support they need to feel happy, safe and secure and achieve exceptionally well.

Graduated Approach and First Response

At Ponteland High School we follow the Northumberland Local Authority -Graduated Approach to Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), more information can be found by following this link. This approach broadly follows an Assess- Plan- Do- Review cycle.

Our first response to any students who may be struggling in class is Quality First Teaching (QFT). This strategy ensures a SMART targeted approach is taken in order to maximise student progress. At Ponteland we also routinely screen new learners on entry to the school to correctly identify and assess SEND, more information can be found in our SEND information report. To view more information on the Quality First Teachings strategies our teachers practice in the classroom take a look at our teacher