Year 9 students have a fantastic time at the Animal and Land Specialist day!

March 10th, 2022

On Wednesday 3 March, students from year 9 visited Northumberland College’s Kirkley Hall Campus to take part in an Animal and Land Specialist Day. Students were selected based on their interest in animal care, farming and agriculture or horticulture and had a fantastic time learning about the range of careers available to them in these industries. 

The first workshop was led by a lecturer on the college’s Animal Management course. Students were given a tour of the college’s facilities and met some of the weird and wonderful animals that call the campus zoo home. Pupils learnt about the ethical and safe shipping of animals across different countries and explored the range of roles and sectors that work together to ensure safe travel for our furry friends. 

On the Equine and Farming tour, students visited the stables where Northumbria’s Mounted Police department house their horses. Pupils completed fuel and tyre checks on the college’s tractor and discussed how economic performance varies between dairy, crop and pig farming. 

In the afternoon, students visited the Horticulture department and took part in a willow weaving challenge. They considered how the horticulture industry could ‘go even more green’ and each had a turn using the college’s compost machinery and apparatus. 

Careers Coordinator, Anna Makepeace, said, “We hope that the greenfingered, animal lovers amongst our year 9 cohort left the event feeling inspired by the fantastic work that goes on right on our doorstep and that they were encouraged to explore careers in an area they’re so passionate about”.