2nd degree black belt for Y9 PHS student, William Morris

June 22nd, 2021

2nd degree black belt for Y9 PHS student, William Morris


After four years of dedicated training, Ponteland High School’s William Morris (Y9) travelled to Leeds to take his second degree black belt exam. He was successful in his grading exceeding all expectations!


William’s mum said,It’s a fantastic achievement at the age of only 13 and we’re very proud of him!”


Headteacher, Mr McGrane, commented, “In so many cases in school we can be unaware of the activities and interests that students are engaged in outside of school. It also means that we underestimate the time they have available for home study as they have to balance training and competitions. It is testament to William that he can do such an outstanding job of balancing his school work with striving for excellence in martial arts. It is a fantastic achievement and one he should be rightly proud of.”